
Eva Charlotte was born on November 11th 2008 at 25 weeks gestation.   She weighed 790g (one pound, 12 ounce) and was 32cm long.  Eva was 15 weeks early and was taken immediately to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St Michaels Hospital, Bristol (England).

The story of Eva’s birth is here.  Labour was spontaneous starting at 24+3 weeks and I was hospitalised for four days trying to stop the progress.

By God’s grace Eva is happy and healthy today although very small for her age.  Her early days really were a miracle.  The prayers that surrounded Eva and us from around the world were amazing.

Eva spent 105 days in hospital until we brought her home the day before her due date.

There are plenty of photos of Eva’s first year here.

We have since returned home to live in Australia but do miss the nurses and our premmie friends in Bristol.

Thank you for reading about Eva and sharing in our journey.

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